I wanted to do something different from all my other posts. So I thought I would share my new favorite website with y'all. Cody and I in just 2 very short days are headed on a road trip back to our hometowns. We had discussed going back to visit dozens of times in the last few months, but I wanted it to be different than just jumping on an airplane. I thought let's road trip it out.
Now when I first started thinking about planning a road trip I was so overwhelmed it sounded like a daunting task. I'm a planner and I like to have everything planned out long before we ever get in our car and go. I had never planned a road trip and had no idea where to begin. I Googled road trip sources and came across arguably the greatest website ever created!!! (At least for planning a road trip)
The website is https://roadtrippers.com/. All you do is plug in your start and end location and it will give you your route. You can move the route around as much as you'd like. Now for the fun part, once you insert your start and end locations you get to explore all the places you can stop and visit. You do this with the explore option. Everything is split up into categories. You can see everything at once. (I wouldn't recommend doing that) Or you can select different groups. The six basic categories are as follows, attractions, accommodation, entertainment, food&drink, history, nature, and shopping. There are several sub categories, so you can narrow down your sites even further. I started by clicking on attractions and looking through those first. My favorite part is each of the different places show up on the map so you get a feel for just how far away from the route they are. (You can also change the distant from route and so forth)
It's neat because you get to see many different places that you probably had no idea existed and they're all in one place. Once you click on a place you like you can click further and it will give you a better description and other users ratings. If you decide you like the place you can then click on add to trip and it will add it to your trip.
My second favorite feature is what I call the calculator. This is the tool that tracks how many miles total the trip will be, how many hours it will take, and lastly how much gas will cost!! (You can change the MPG to accommodate your actual car's) How cool is that? It seriously takes all the guessing out of your road trip. If you create an account (which you should) it will save your trip and you can go back and edit your road trip as much as you'd like.
I know there are features I'm missing, but go on explore for yourself. I can (almost) promise you won't be disappointed.
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