It feels like it's been forever since I've blogged. I didn't feel good over New Years and it just kept getting carried over day after day. It started with just feeling yucky like I had a cold, then I got a night time dry cough. Then I got a cough all day and a wet night cough. After about two weeks I decided I needed to see a doctor. I went to see the doctor last Tuesday to get my lungs checked out since I was having a hard time breathing. They did all the regular stuff, blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature. I had a fever of 103, yikes! So automatically they check me for the flu. I told the nurse, "but I seriously only have a cough." She smiled and said well let's still check. Sure enough I had the flu. The doctor came in told me the news and I basically said the same thing to him. He told me how this year, that is where the flu is mainly focusing. That he didn't think it started as the flu, but the cough did a number on my immune system. Therefore making me an easy target for the flu. They took an x-ray just to be safe, but that looked good. I was sent home told that I could return to work when I had gone 24 hours without a fever. Also that it would get worse before it got better. So I picked up my prescriptions from the pharmacy and headed home. I was stuck in doors, basically in my bed, too sick to get up for 3 straight days. The doctor was right (as they always seem to be) it got a lot worse before it got better. The cough, the lungs, the achy pains, but then it got better. By Friday afternoon my fever had finally broke without medication and I could move without a cough attack. I still took it super easy on Friday. Yesterday was the first day I ventured out of the house since Tuesday. It was a gorgeous day. We did a little shopping and then last night we went out to dinner. I definitely don't have my full strength back and living on the third floor is kind of a killer, but I feel tons better than I did.
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