I read an article the other day 14 Struggles that Only Girls with Long Hair will Understand and I agree with all of them. I just thought I would add a couple of my own. Or at least my personal battles.
1.Hair everywhere.
I always put it up before I cook, but I doesn't matter. It's in my food, on my clothes, on the floor, EVERYWHERE!
I always put it up before I cook, but I doesn't matter. It's in my food, on my clothes, on the floor, EVERYWHERE!
2. Washing my hair.
Now technically this was on the list, but it doesn't mention the clogged drains every single time. Cody and I should buy stock in Drano (does Drano have stock?) Also the fact that it's literally a race against the water heater.
Now technically this was on the list, but it doesn't mention the clogged drains every single time. Cody and I should buy stock in Drano (does Drano have stock?) Also the fact that it's literally a race against the water heater.
3. The countless hours spent on it.
Brushing it, straightening it, curling it, waiting for it to dry. Seriously my mom is a saint for curling my hair for dances in high school.
4. Shopping for new shampoo.
I dread this a lot. I love my hair and I want it to look and feel good. I don't however want to pay outrageous amounts to achieve this. After all I use half a bottle is one use. These locks aren't made of gold. I've found one that I like right now, but who knows how long that will last.
I dread this a lot. I love my hair and I want it to look and feel good. I don't however want to pay outrageous amounts to achieve this. After all I use half a bottle is one use. These locks aren't made of gold. I've found one that I like right now, but who knows how long that will last.
5. Getting your hair "trimmed".
I said 1 inch not 6. Nuff said.
I said 1 inch not 6. Nuff said.
6. Trying new hairstyles.
It's hard work. Not only do you have to figure out how to do it, once you do, it looks nothing like the picture you found.
It's hard work. Not only do you have to figure out how to do it, once you do, it looks nothing like the picture you found.
7. People ask, Is that a "sock bun"?
They don't mean any harm they're just really fascinated that hair can look that way on its own. Do worry it's all just my hair.
They don't mean any harm they're just really fascinated that hair can look that way on its own. Do worry it's all just my hair.
8. Wind is your worst enemy.
Well besides humidity. Combine the two of these and you might as well stay indoors because "ain't nobody got time for that!"
9. Wearing a bun for a long period of time.
Buns give me a killer headache. It's a serious commitment to do my hair in a bun for work. 8 hours with no chance of relief.
10. People asking when you're going to cut it.
This one bugs me because growing out my hair is a commitment. See all of the above.
I wouldn't change a thing...at least not until after May 30th.
Do you have long hair? Do you know my struggle?
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