Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I've been on a journey of reading the Harry Potter series in its entirety.  For the very first time mind you.  I know, I'm a decade plus behind the rest of the world.  My brother read the books growing up and he loved them.  Heck, anyone I have ever met who read the books, loved them. So why then did  I not read them way back when? I don't quite know the answer to that.  I don't know if I just didn't want to be caught up in all the craziness. Or if I just wanted to prove a point to my brother, who knows.  For a long time I thought to myself "those books can't be as great as everyone makes them out to be."  I have only seen two Harry Potter films, the first and second. To be honest I thought they were quite boring.  That can be credited to my baby sister who used to watch the first one at least once a day for months.

Now that I'm reading the books I'm so glad I didn't see all the movies.  Everything is still new and refreshing.  (Definitely not boring!!!) All the twists and turns are untouched in my mind.  I'm in love. I just finished the fifth book and all I want to do all day everyday, is read.  I dread going to bed at night and having to work all day.  I have lost tons of sleep this last month because I can't bring myself to put the books down.  I always tell myself "just one more chapter" then I end reading three or four. Cody has to constantly remind me that I have to work in the morning, early in the morning. That is the only thing that really keeps me from staying up all night finishing each book.

I can't believe the amount of detail J.K. Rowling puts in to each and every book.  The detail oozes out of each page.  You're sucked into the pages and transformed into a new magical world, a world nothing like the one you're presently living in. She takes you thousands of miles away from reality and keeps you there.  Every twist, every turn, you can't put the book down.

It amazes me that a person could not only have such an imagination, but is able to articulate it into words.  Thousands upon thousands of words. Words that form chapters, chapters that in turn turn into books, 7 of them to be specific.  Not only that, but she took the risk that people might just think that instead of being brilliant, she just might be crazy.  Well I think she is definitely not crazy and very much brilliant.  I'm pretty much getting at that, J.K. Rowling is my new hero.

If you have not read the books. Even if you've seen the movies.  I HIGHLY recommend you read the books!!  There are few books I've read that even come close to being as good as these books.  As I'm sure everyone and their dog has already told you.

I'll do a follow up post after I finish the series.

Have you read the books?  I guess the better question is, how many times have you read the books?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry, Merry Christmas

We didn't send out Christmas cards this year because we sent out our "Save the Dates" instead, but I still made this one for fun.  This year has been full of fun and adventures.  I'm so grateful for everyone that has been a part of our lives even from afar.  I hope you and your family have a joyous Christmas and remember the reason for the season.  Take a moment to be grateful for everything you have.  I don't get to go 'home' for Christmas this year, but I will very much be thinking of all my family and friends in Utah this Christmas season.

Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 19, 2014

My Wedding Accomplishments

I know I'm a broken record, but wedding planning from afar is hard work (especially if you and your fiance are footing the bill) so I seriously celebrate every little accomplishment I achieve.  I've achieved a lot of big ones in the past month, so I thought I would share my joy and accomplishments with ya'll.  (These are all the things I've accomplished wedding wise in general not necessarily just in the last month)

Book Ceremony Venue

Book Reception Venue

Take Engagement Pictures

Book a Photographer

Book a Videographer

Make a Wedding Website

Book a Wedding Cake Baker

Find the Perfect Dress

Send out Save the Dates

Finish Designing Invitations

Put together Rental Info

Decide on Wedding Rehearsal Location

Price Flowers

Basically all the big stuff is done except for food, which I just need to price out. Also did I mention that we're right on budget? Because we are and that is something I'm VERY EXCITED about!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I whole heartrendingly believe this to be true.  In life there are many twists and turns.  If you don't learn to let things happen then you will miss out on things you didn't even know were possible.  I took the leap of faith to move to Texas and I had no idea that it would lead to such beautiful things.  I've never quite felt so sure that I'm right where I need to be, than I do right now. Don't be afraid to sacrifice a little to receive a lot.  If an opportunity arises, take it.  Dream big, but don't get so caught up in one dream that you close the doors to every other possibility.  Life always has a way of figuring itself out.

Have you ever experienced this personally?  I would love to hear about it.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Tips for Finding a Wedding Gown

As you may know I recently purchased my wedding gown.  The experience was full of bliss and a few struggles. And there were lots of things I learned along the way.  So I thought I would share some tips that I learned, with you.

Finding the perfect wedding dress is stressful, time consuming, and exhausting.  It is also blissful, beautiful, aw inspiring, and very, very exciting.   I promise you, it is worth every second.  I hit a few unexpected bumps in my road of finding my perfect gown. (which you probably already read about.)

If you follow these tips, it should help eliminate the same issues I personally faced.

1. Do Some Research Ahead of Time
Get on Pinterest, the Knot, Wedding Wire, and every other wedding blog there is and save dresses that catch your eye.  This will give you an idea of what you're looking for or at least your style.

2. Start Early
I didn't do this mostly because I wanted a girls day with my family that doesn't live close, but if you don't have anything special planned, start early.  This will take away any unnecessary stress of finding a gown while the wedding is fast approaching. Plus it will give you plenty of time for the dress to come in and alterations.

3.  Explore
So you've done some research and you think you know what you want.  If this is your very first time trying on gowns try on different styles and shapes.   I've known a ton of girls who decided on a dress that was a complete game changer.  Don't be afraid to step out of your normal comfort zone.  You only get to try on wedding dresses once in your life.

4. Have a Budget and Stick to It
Seriously think about what you're willing to spend on wedding dress long before you enter any shoppe.  This will ensure you don't fall in love with a gown that is completely out of your price range.  I say this for two reasons. One if you try on dress outside of your budget no dress within your budget is going to compare.  And the second you will probably cry and be completely stressed out and feel defeated because you can't have your dream gown.  

5. Make sure your Consultant Knows and Sticks to your Budget
This one goes hand and hand with the one above.  I've experienced the nightmare of not following this one, and can I just say it was awful.  I literally stopped looking at gowns for a couple of months because I felt so defeated.  After that experience I made sure every single consultant from then on knew exactly what my price range was, and didn't pull a single gown outside of my budget.

6.  Speak Up
If your friend, sister, mother, soon to be mother in law or any other person pulls a dress you hate.  Say something.  Stand up for yourself.  I was at a salon once and the poor girl brought 6 people with her and they were all running around the store picking dress after dress.  The girl was in tears and her entourage didn't understand.  This is your day you should absolutely love your dress and the people that are with you should be on the same page.

7.  Don't Rush
I know I said in number 2 to start early which eliminates the time crunch.  It also gives you lots of time to find the perfect gown.  If you find a gown that you think is perfect, but you're not sure, sleep on it.  Take pictures of it (if you're allowed to), but don't rush in purchasing it. If you even have the slightest amount of doubt don't risk it.

8. Don't be Afraid of Off the Rack Samples
When I first started my dress search I refused to try on 'off the rack' sample gowns.  It was probably my ego not wanting something used, or the dream of having a dress that was made specifically for me. Well turns out there was an off the rack gown that was just waiting for me (and whether or not the designer made it just for me, it fit like it was).  This was my personal "game changer".  If you want the very best deal an 'off the rack sample' is the perfect solution.  I personally scored a gown that was originally $1300 for $275!!!

9. After you say "Yes" Stop looking
This is a huge one!  When you've found the one and you forked out the dough DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT go to another bridal shop and try on another gown.  This will cause unneeded stress and take all the fun out of dress shopping.  You will be confused and undecided, not to mention out hundreds of dollars.

10.  Enjoy Yourself
Have fun.  Laugh about a terrible dress you tried on.  Twirl around in a dress you love.  Smile, admire yourself as a bride. Enjoy the time you get to share with just the "girls".  Try not to feel overwhelmed.  And if you do, take a deep breath and let it all in.  This is a huge step in your future so enjoy it.

11.  Support Local Bridal Shops
I love supporting people with small businesses.  I feel there is so much love that goes into a small business.  I love purchasing something knowing that I'm giving money directly to someone's family.  That my money is funding someone's dream. Plus I feel the service I receive is almost always better.  With that being said I have nothing against big bridal shops.  I almost purchased a gown at a big bridal shoppe.  I just encourage you to give a mom and pop shop a chance.

What do you think?  Do you have any personal tips you'd like to add to this list?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Alert the Town

This is the sign I got to hold when I said yes to my dress!!!
I FOUND A WEDDING DRESS!!!  It is the most perfect piece of clothing I have ever purchased in my entire life!! I've been engaged since April.  I didn't start my wedding dress search until July when Cody and I went home to Utah for a week.  While we were there I went wedding dress shopping with my mom and sisters.  It was a wonderful experience and I was in love with one particular dress.  I was so in love with it I stopped looking.  The feelings were that strong, but I didn't have the dough to fork up at the time.  I mean we were on vacation and we had saved for months just to be there.

Anyways so we came home and I was content for about a month.  Then I really wanted to show Cody's step-mom (Dana)  and step-sister my dress.  So I made an appointment with David's Bridal here in Texas to specifically try on the gown I was in love with again to show Dana and Danielle.  Low and behold they don't even carry the gown!!  I was pretty upset because I had told the girl on the phone the item number and she said it would be no problem.  Anyways we left and ended up hitting another bridal shop in downtown Dallas.  I found another dress that I love, but it was going to be over $2,500 with alterations.  The dress was gorgeous, but it was way out of my price range.  I felt really pressured and just wanted to cry. (Which I did when I got home)  After that experience, I went back to another David's Bridal alone and tried on the dress I was in love with.  I still loved it, but was holding back because of the price.  (I'm such a bargain shopper)  I took Dana with me to see the dress a couple days later and she liked as well.  I was planning on going back and buying it, but life got SO busy I just never did.  Dana and I have talked a lot about wedding dresses off and on since September.  Finally things were starting to settle, so we decided we would go the day after 'Black Friday'.  I had three shops picked out and Dana suggested the fourth the day before.  So I made the appointment for the fourth shop, which was on the way to Dallas as our first stop.

Now the story of my dress.  We went to THE CUTEST BRIDAL SHOPPE!!!  Lasting Bridal Couture in Addison, TX.(Seriously if you're in the area and on the hunt for a bridal gown, go here) It had the mom and pop feel that I love.  There were a ton of dresses to choose from so the selection was great.  We arrived early so we wandered around for a bit.  We hit up the sample sale rack (room) in hopes of finding a bargain.  My bridal consultant Sarah came to get me and we wandered the store some more.  We took another trip around the sample sale room and pulled a few more dresses.  There were two racks close together so it was hard to see the back rack.  Deep in the back was this gorgeous not quite white, not quite blush dress lace dress.  I didn't know how I felt about the color, but we pulled it anyways.

The first dress I tried on was a gorgeous, all over lace dress and it was the one to beat.  The next three were a bust.  I liked the two I tried on next, but not as much as the first one.  Sarah then pulled the not white, not blush dress from the back.  I said to her, "I don't know how I feel about the color", but I was willing to give it a try.  So she unzips the dress and tells me to step in.  She then says that it's a pretty tight dress, but she's not worried about me fitting.  We get the dress over my legs and then I feel it get really snug at my buttocks then she unzips it the rest of the way and it fits like a glove.  She zips up the entire thing and I just stare at myself in the mirror.  I asked her, "is this a true size 2?" She said yes.  This dress is a dream!!  We step out to the mirrors where Dana and Dani are sitting and their jaws drop.  I step up on the pedestal and sure enough, I'm in love.  I take a deep breath and ask the one question that could be a deal breaker (although I knew we hadn't pulled anything over my budget) "Sarah how much is this one?"  She responded with "This dress is $275!!"  What?!  I started to cry.  She then explained that this dress had been sitting in the store for months because no one had been able to try it on.  The original price was $1,300!!!  There were ooohs and awws all throughout the shoppe. I said yes to the dress immediately.  The owner even came out to see me in the gown. We started dressing up the gown, trying on different veils and belts. I decided on a regular veil and the cutest belt that matched the color of the dress which is called "champagne blush".   I'm also adding pearl buttons down the back just to give it that extra special touch.  I'm so in love with the entire gown!! I just want to look at it and wear it every single day!!!

Celebrating the success of finding my gown with Dana and Dani

It's crazy how things just work themselves out.  I was so worried I would never find the gown that was perfect, but I did.  It was most unexpected and couldn't be more perfect.  I wish I could show you a picture, but I'm old fashion and don't want to even chance Cody seeing it.  Just know it's amazing and I love it so much!!!

How did you find your wedding gown?