Friday, August 14, 2015

How to Stay Cool

I know for most, summer is winding down and y'all are getting excited for falls. Well here, fall may not make an appearance until Thanksgiving. Monday it was 104 outside not accounting for humidity. (Yes, it is as hot as it sounds.) Today our "cold front" calls for 100. So how do I manage to stay cool with temperatures staying at or greater than 100?  The simple answer in two little letters, A/C.  Luckily everywhere out here has A/C, but if I'm feeling adventurous there are some other ways to stay cool.  Here are a few of my personal favorites.

  • Poolside, In the pool sipping water or lemonade.  I don't recommend alcohol as my worst ever sunburn happened while drinking.  I highly recommend the strongest sunscreen you can find and applying it per directions.

  • Ice cream, smoothies, slushies, milk shakes, or pretty much anything that involves freezing or a freezer.  Sonic happy hour is the perfect excuse for one of these babies.  And trust me Texans love their Sonic.

  • Shorts and a tank top, or really any single layer clothing. If it requires an undershirt, it's not happening until fall.

  • Sandals. I exclusively only wear sandals in the summer.  I may have a slight sandal obsession. To the point where doctors and nurses have to tell me that my feet are going to freeze, if I don't wear different shoes.  Also gross fact my feet and excessive amount, so regular shoes are just not going to happen until they have to.

  • Short hair or a bun.  Up until this summer my hair was obnoxiously long.  During the summer it was ALWAYS up.  The sock bun was my BFF.  Now my hair is short and a lot less work not to mention cooler.  Yes, you can live with long hair her, you will just sweat a lot if you dare to wear it down.

  • Water.  I mean A LOT of water.  Take what you normally drink (outside of Texas or even the summer) and at least double that.  Keep it with you at all times.  Ice water of course is a definite plus.
Speaking of ice.
  • Ice, in everything.  Even with A/C things warm up quickly.  I used to think people who put ice in their milk were weirdos, but now I don't drink it any other way.  I mean how am I supposed to enjoy cookies and milk if my milk goes warm half way through? 

  • The crockpot/slow cooker.  If it's hot outside warming up the oven means warming up the house and having to use more A/C which means more $$.  There are thousands of crockpot recipes out there.  My favorite is Root-beer Pulled Pork.  Recipe coming soon.

What are your secrets for staying cool in the summer?

Sunday, August 9, 2015

I'm Serious

My idea of a perfect Sunday is laying by the pool reading or listening to a new novel. Recently I made some friends at our complex's pool. It seemed great they drank their alcoholic beverages, I sipped my water, we had great conversations.  Well as the saying goes, "It's all fun and games until someone gets drunk and starts degrading other people." Seriously?

It is NEVER okay to catcall another human being. It's not okay to degrade another person in any form. Male, female, black, white, young, or old. I do not care. Woman, (especially for this instance) are not pieces of meat. We don't go out to the pool to be degraded,(Yes, I know woman degrade men too, but I can't personally say I've experienced that) we go out there to relax and have a good time. If you think we put on a bikini so you can have your ego stroked you are so far mistaken.

This has to stop. Women are not objects!! They do not dress to please you and if you don't have enough self control to keep your dirty thoughts from coming out of your disgusting mouth, please do the public a favor and never leave your house. It's not okay to comment inappropriately on a woman's body, EVER. Let's just make it a rule to not comment on anyone's body inappropriately, period. I'm just so bewildered and upset. No one should have to think about what kind of image they're portraying when they get dressed in the morning. If I want to go relax by the pool I should be able to in peace. I'm not the type of girl who flaunts her body. I don't need your comments or catcalls. I don't have daddy issues and I have a wonderful husband who wants more than anything to punch you in the face right now. 

Some would say, "Well why wasn't your husband down at the pool with you?" Because I'm a grown woman and should be able to enjoy the pool I pay for, without needing back up. Is this really what the world has come to? I can't even enjoy a Sunday by the pool without getting verbally harassed!!

Lastly, let's get something straight. If I talk to you and I'm nice, it's because I'm a genuinely nice
person. I'm happily married and have no reason to flirt with you. I assure you I'm just being nice. So do me a favor and leave me alone.

(Drops mic, steps off soap box...for now)

Friday, August 7, 2015

Hey Ya'll

I know I've been MIA lately, but I've felt uninspired and I was just not feeling my blog layout anymore.  For a brief moment I thought about buying a layout, but let's be honest, I'm WAY too cheap for that.  I'm still tweeking things here and there, but I think I'm heading in the right direction.

 I'm going to be more committed to my blog and write even if I think no one cares.  I have a voice and I want it to be heard.  Just a disclosure, everything I write here is my opinion.  It should in no way reflect my employer or anyone else for that matter.  If you also have an opinion, PLEASE leave me a comment.  If you agree leave me a comment. If you disagree leave me a comment. (Just keep it to the point.)

I plan on writing a ton of different stuff. New foods we try, apartment hunting, things I'm passionate about, Cody, Riddler, Texans (that's a given), my feelings, married life, and who the heck knows what else.

So buckle up and I'm excited you're here for the ride.