Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Little Background

So I'm new to this whole blogging thing, but I want to write about all my experiences here in Texas.  Even though Texas isn't a whole lot different than Utah it definitely has it's quarks.  So my goal is to write a blog post weekly if not daily.  Some days may be crazier than others, but hopefully I someone will want to read about my life.

A little background about myself considering my "about me" was so brief.  I'm a 22 year old currently living in Texas.  I'm originally from a town in Utah called West Jordan.  I lived in Utah for 21 years(my whole life). I'm from a family of 6.  I have 1 older brother 2 younger sisters. I'm currently an aunt to 2 nephews and a niece. I set out on my new journey back in June. The town I currently live in is called Flower Mound.  It is the cutest little town with the perfect combination of country and city.  It's about 30 minutes north west of Dallas and 30 minutes north east of Fort Worth.  I live just under ten minutes from the DFW International Airport.  I live in the cutest little apartment with my boyfriend Cody and cute little Shih tzu Riddler.  (The dog and man of my dreams from my about me) I work at a just as adorable hospital that is literally within walking distance of our home. I'm the admitting receptionist and I love my job! 

Now I bet you're really wondering why in the world did you move to Texas?  How did that thought even cross your mind, you crazy person.  Well it's kind of a short long story.  You see Cody and I have dated on and off for a little over 4 years now.  (mostly on but for a time we were off)  Anyways Cody's dad (who I love by the way) lives in Texas.  Cody and I always talked about visiting, but never did. Until about April of this year when we finally decided to make a trip to Texas. (Which is a whole blog post in itself) We fell in love with his dad and that whole side of the family, with the weather (April and 80 degrees), the people, the environment, in short everything.  Cody's family of course tried talking us in to never leaving, but of course we had jobs and I had family in friends waiting for me back home in Utah.  So we had the most amazing time out in Texas with everyone and everything, but we caught our flight and went back to Utah.  Although everything was fine and dandy in Utah we felt like we were missing something.  We were constantly talking about our vacation and how much fun we had.  But it was more than that.  We had formed bonds with people that were now 1200 miles away.  We felt a serious hole that just couldn't be filled in our current situation. Cody had no support system in Utah outside of myself and my family.  I wasn't happy with my job and neither was Cody.  We started talking about the possibility of moving to Texas.  At first it really was just talk, but then it became serious.  We decided to start applying for jobs in Texas.  I didn't hear anything back from anyone, but Cody had to prospects that were really looking into hiring him.  The catch...come to Texas.  So we really started talking about moving out there.  The who, what, when, where, and why.  The who was easy us and Riddler.  The what was what were we going to take with us.  When? Well that was the biggest question of them all.  The where was pretty simple we had already asked Cody's dad and step mom if we could live with them so that was one less thing we had to worry about.  As for the why, that was a little bit harder to explain to everyone.  We knew why, but try explaining why to everyone who loves and cares about you.  To us it was more of a why the heck not.  We really had nothing to lose.  But everyone else wanted to know why.  We saw it as if worse came to worse we would pack up all of our stuff and drive back to Utah.  So we set the date for June 17th 2013.  I told my parents first and braced for their reaction.  I was happily surprised when they responded warmly. They said that they supported me in whatever I chose to do in life and that they were always going to be there for me. (I have pretty amazing parents) They were probably the most supportive people we told.  I got a lot of "you're crazy", "I would never do that", and "why in the world Texas" (which I still get a lot of)  I didn't matter what anyone else had to say because our minds were made up.  Was I scared?  You bet I was, but I also don't believe in not doing something just because it scares you.  In fact, if it scares you you should probably give it a try. (well within reason of course) I spent my last couple of weeks in Utah packing and saying my see ya laters.  The morning of Saturday June 17, 2013 I set out on my great adventure to Texas.

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