Saturday, April 12, 2014

Being a Beginner


I recently started running again. You see, I used to be a competitive runner.  I ran in the Jr. Olympics when I was 10 and ran cross country and track in high school.  Well that was more than five years and two knee surgeries ago.  Anyways so I decided a few weeks ago to start running again, but I kept getting frustrated.  I couldn't run for more than 90 seconds without getting winded.  I was getting really frustrated with myself.  I kept wanting to give up and just throw in the towel. I kept telling myself, "I'm obviously too old, too out of shape and just not good anymore."  I was getting really defeated! Then I came across this website I read an article on here that gave me the motivation I needed.

Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.
The author basically said you don't have to be the best or the fastest or even mediocre. You just need to run.  Whether it's for 1 minute or 30.  That really hit me.  Like wow she's right I just need to do it! So I started the couch to 5k program. Basically you start with intervals and week by week you work up to running longer and walking less.  I really liked the idea so I started doing it.  And you know what it motivated me.  Now personally I like to push myself and I knew I could run for at least 90 seconds without dying. So I  started with 90 seconds running, 30 seconds walking intervals for 20 minutes, with a five minute warm up and and five minute cool down. Every week I would add more time and I was walking less and less.  I started my journey 4 weeks ago!  And today I ran for 20 minutes straight.  I didn't do any intervals I just ran.  It was the best feeling in the world! Now remember everyone is different and honestly the couch to 5K program is broken down into intervals and 9 weeks if you want to check it out here's the link:

Anyways I'm so excited to keep running and pushing myself.  There's nothing I love more than a nice run after a long day at work. Or a cool Saturday run after a long week in general.  I want to keep building my endurance and eventually sign up for a 5K and then a 10K.  If you're feeling inadequate just remember you need to allow yourself to be a beginner, because you have to start somewhere.

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