So I have this love affair with the book The Great Gatsby. I've read it dozens of times. I love this book. More than any other book, ever! I read this book when I'm happy, sad, nervous, even excited. I can quote most of this book. And I do, a lot. I mostly love the way F. Scott Fitzgerald describes everything in such detail. You can picture every last element clearly in your mind. You can picture yourself as a guest at one of Gatsby's crazy parties. You see yourself at Daisy's house enjoying a chaotic tea. And you feel as if you really are 'Old Sport'. I love how real the characters are. You feel like they really lived once and you got a glimpse into their wonderful luxury lives. I love all the chaos and drama. I've cried at the ending countless times. And I could go on and on. Just know I LOVE this book.
I say all of this so you can get a grasp on my soon to be rant. As you probably know, recently a movie was made as an adaptation of this book. I had high hopes for this movie. The trailer looked amazing. I mean Leonardo Dicaprio and Carey Mulligan, can you really go wrong? The director also directed Moulin Rouge which I adore. Ok so with all that build up you're probably thinking, 'well that's your problem,' but that is not it. Now truth is I liked the movie, I really did. The only thing that struck me as strange and alot little irritating, is the music.
I say all of this so you can get a grasp on my soon to be rant. As you probably know, recently a movie was made as an adaptation of this book. I had high hopes for this movie. The trailer looked amazing. I mean Leonardo Dicaprio and Carey Mulligan, can you really go wrong? The director also directed Moulin Rouge which I adore. Ok so with all that build up you're probably thinking, 'well that's your problem,' but that is not it. Now truth is I liked the movie, I really did. The only thing that struck me as strange and a
I can't grasp the concept as to why they chose the music that they did. In case you somehow live in a hole and have no idea what The Great Gatsby is about, it takes place in the roaring 1920s. And the soundtrack for the movie is mostly R&B. Now maybe I'm just being synical but, when I imagined the music while reading this book it was more jazzy less crap rap. The music isn't just obnoxious it really doesn't fit the time period. It's full of simulated sounds and different noises all jumbled together on a mix board. Some of it has what sounds like live instruments but, the mix between the two is outrageous. The sound track doesn't even know what era it is. I definitely don't think that Gatsby's guests were dancing to the music the movie portrays. I highly doubt Gatsby hollered out, "Drop that beat!" Maybe he did and I missed that chapter. It's an interesting concept, but I'm not a fan. Honestly though that's all I can complain about. This movie had great potential and the acting was spot on. I feel like everything else flowed perfectly and matched the book. It really is too bad that the soundtrack is most of the movie. It is so loud and distracting you can't ignore it. Trust me I've tried to power through it and every time I still find myself saying "man I wish they would of gone with different musis. It really is a shame they went this route. Change the crazy R&B music and you would have my new favorite movie. What did you think of the movie? Am I crazy? Leave me a comment I would love to hear from you.
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