Now we met through a mutual friend of ours, Joey. Oh Joey, truth is I had the biggest crush on Joey. You see he was in my 7:30am English class. We sat right next to each other and truth is he made waking up at 6:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays bearable. As I found out shortly Joey was in love with his soon to be fiance Holly. The way he talked about Holly was the most adorable thing I had ever heard. I instantly stopped crushing on him and wanted to hear everything about his Holly. So one day I was hanging out in my apartment on my laptop and a new friend request popped up, Cody Myers. We had one friend in common and it was Joey. I instantly texted Joey asking about this cute stranger. He told me I definitely should add him, so of course I did. I honestly was just going to leave it at that, but instantly Cody messaged me. We IMed every single day for about two weeks then he finally asked me for my number. We texted none stop day and night, for about a week. Then we would talk on the phone constantly. I was in love with a man I hadn't even met in real life yet. One night after one of our phone calls he asked me on our first date. I was so excited I would finally get to meet the man of my dreams!!
Cody came to pick me up from my dorm room. From there we drove to his house to pick up something. I met his mom for the first time. We then went to a cute park right by his house where we swung on the swings and went down all the slides. It was the cutest date I've ever been on. We just sat and talked about literally everything. We had dinner at Chilis where we talked some more. He took me home. We continued to talk and text constantly. We would spend time together on official and unofficial dates. I remember one time early on myself and all my roommates got H1N1. I was sicker than I have ever been. I had a fever so high I was hallucinating. Cody came over to make me feel better that was October 24, 2009. The day we officially became a couple. Everything just blossomed from there.
Now flash forward to April 26, 2014. Cody and I have been excited and getting ready for my hospital's annual Employee Gala. I already had my dress and we bought Cody a suit jacket and tie. It was also a masquerade so we had purchased green masks. The excitement was unreal and we were both ready for a good time. I did my own hair and make-up. Cody put on his suit and tie and I put on my dress. We took a couple of selfies in our apartment and then headed to his parents for our photo op. We took quite a few of pictures in front of their gorgeous roses.

We arrived at the hotel where the gala was taking place at quarter after 6. It was cocktail hour from 6-7 so we hung out in the lobby with the rest of the hospital staff. It was so fun to see all the clinical staff all dressed up. We mingled and talked to everyone. (as Cody says, I'm kinda a big deal at my hospital) Cody knew some of the people because he worked at the hospital when we first moved to Texas. After cocktail hour the doors of the ballroom were opened and we found our seats. We chatted with everyone at our table. We went and had our pictures taken then came back just in time for the main course. We enjoyed dinner and discussed requesting our favorite song and dancing to it. I thought it was really sweet and we were definitely going to do it, but first we were going to gamble. We were given 2,000 fake dollars to start with. We hit up the Black Jack table where one of my favorite nurses was already playing. Cody was on fire and I wasn't doing too bad. After a couple of hours of playing we decided to hit up the dance floor.
Cody didn't complain or even struggle he just got into the music and started dancing with me. The DJ was on fire playing great songs from my high school years and beyond. It was shortly after the first song that he went up and requested our song. I honestly never thought anything of it. He came back and said in about 6-8 songs he'll play it. I thought awesome I can't wait. I was busting a move on the dance floor and Cody would join me on and off. I was having an absolute blast! I now know that he was disappearing to put everything together for the proposal. The night was winding down and the DJ still hadn't played our song. I was a little sad and was starting to think that we wouldn't get to dance to our song. A few short minutes later our song came on and the DJ announced to everyone, "Please make a circle around Cody and Marresa!" (close enough) It wasn't until Cody started telling me how much he loved me and wanted to spen his life with me that I realized just where this was going. At the climax of the song Cody got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. The crowd went wild.
It was perfect and I was SO surprised. I of course cried like a baby. It was so special to have all my friends from work there to support us. We got it on video which is a huge plus. I'm so excited to start planning our wedding and can't wait to marry the man of my dreams!!!