Saturday, October 3, 2015

Our Story: Prologue

This is just the PROLOGUE. Please see the post after this one here for The Whole Story.

On Sunday, August 9th, I had some really weird spotting. I was scheduled to start my period on Wednesday so I didn't think too much into it. I thought I was just early. I starting Googling bleeding before period. (In hindsight I don't recommend doing that) My initial thought went to miscarriage, but how do you miscarry before you even know you're pregnant? I told Cody and decided I wouldn't freak out until I missed my period. Well the spotting continued a little each day, but no period. That Wednesday I decided to take a pregnancy test. It seemed silly and surely I wasn't pregnant. Well I got two lines (PREGNANT) after only a minute of waiting. I freaked out, cried, and told Riddler he was going to be a big brother. Cody was still at work so I was trying to think of a clever way to tell him. Well I didn't come up with anything, so I told him while he was unloading the dishwasher. How romantic, right? He of course wanted proof so I did another one and again pregnant.  He was definitely very, very (very) cautiously optimistic.

Thursday I woke up at 5 am feeling like crap. I didn't have any energy and I was so freaking nauseous. I got up went into work, but ended up leaving due to almost throwing up every 5 minutes. I took it easy. Friday, I felt tons better. (I did sleep a full 12 hours the night before.) At the end of the day I ran into one of the OBGYNS (who just happens to be my favorite OBGYN) that delivers at the hospital. I told him the good news and my concern that I was still spotting. He told me to call his office first thing Monday morning and that they would take my blood to track my hormones. He also said to take it super easy all weekend. We'll know more on Monday I guess, but for now I'm holding out hope for a baby.

I had my blood drawn on Monday and I'm definitely pregnant. My HCG was at 232!!  I go back in on Wednesday and fingers crossed my numbers double.

As I sit here waiting to go back for my second blood test mine and Cody's song comes on. It takes everything in me not to break down in tears. I'm taking this as a good sign. At least a little piece of comfort in this scary time of my life. I didn't know how I thought pregnancy was going to go. My mom had 3 easy pregnancies and the 4th didn't get unusual until the third trimester when my sister wouldn't turn. It's so scary not knowing anything and just trusting everything will work out. Today I'm pregnant and I'm going to live in the moment and love this little alien as long as I get to. I hope it's for a very long time, but I don't get to make those decisions. So cheers to living in the moment and loving the things that are in my control.

We got the results from yesterday's test numbers went up from 232 to 495. That is great news!! I'm still spotting. I go in again tomorrow and fingers and toes crossed that numbers are up again!!
I went in for my third blood test today. We won't get the results until Monday, so it will be another chill weekend for me. I wonder how many books I can finish this weekend. Anyways still cautiously optimistic. My hormones must be raging because I've cried numerous times. Happy ugly tears while watching a feel good video, and little things like not knowing which salad to get at lunch. Not to mention nausea and dry heaving more than I can count. And my little boonies hurt more than I thought was possible.

We got the results from Friday....1077!!!! Wooo!! I'm scheduled for a sonogram on September 4th.  I'm still spotting and I'm going to take it easy, but this is great news!!

Before you congratulate us PLEASE read the post after this one!!  I felt this needed to be shared because it's raw.  I wrote this every day these events happened. These were my true feelings in that moment and I feel like that's rare and beautiful.

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