Friday, August 14, 2015

How to Stay Cool

I know for most, summer is winding down and y'all are getting excited for falls. Well here, fall may not make an appearance until Thanksgiving. Monday it was 104 outside not accounting for humidity. (Yes, it is as hot as it sounds.) Today our "cold front" calls for 100. So how do I manage to stay cool with temperatures staying at or greater than 100?  The simple answer in two little letters, A/C.  Luckily everywhere out here has A/C, but if I'm feeling adventurous there are some other ways to stay cool.  Here are a few of my personal favorites.

  • Poolside, In the pool sipping water or lemonade.  I don't recommend alcohol as my worst ever sunburn happened while drinking.  I highly recommend the strongest sunscreen you can find and applying it per directions.

  • Ice cream, smoothies, slushies, milk shakes, or pretty much anything that involves freezing or a freezer.  Sonic happy hour is the perfect excuse for one of these babies.  And trust me Texans love their Sonic.

  • Shorts and a tank top, or really any single layer clothing. If it requires an undershirt, it's not happening until fall.

  • Sandals. I exclusively only wear sandals in the summer.  I may have a slight sandal obsession. To the point where doctors and nurses have to tell me that my feet are going to freeze, if I don't wear different shoes.  Also gross fact my feet and excessive amount, so regular shoes are just not going to happen until they have to.

  • Short hair or a bun.  Up until this summer my hair was obnoxiously long.  During the summer it was ALWAYS up.  The sock bun was my BFF.  Now my hair is short and a lot less work not to mention cooler.  Yes, you can live with long hair her, you will just sweat a lot if you dare to wear it down.

  • Water.  I mean A LOT of water.  Take what you normally drink (outside of Texas or even the summer) and at least double that.  Keep it with you at all times.  Ice water of course is a definite plus.
Speaking of ice.
  • Ice, in everything.  Even with A/C things warm up quickly.  I used to think people who put ice in their milk were weirdos, but now I don't drink it any other way.  I mean how am I supposed to enjoy cookies and milk if my milk goes warm half way through? 

  • The crockpot/slow cooker.  If it's hot outside warming up the oven means warming up the house and having to use more A/C which means more $$.  There are thousands of crockpot recipes out there.  My favorite is Root-beer Pulled Pork.  Recipe coming soon.

What are your secrets for staying cool in the summer?

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